Welcome to Crossroad Kennel

Crossroads Kennel are breeders- trainer-field trialer-hunters of English Pointers and English Setters. Crossroads Kennels started with the most proven bird dogs we could acquire. Our English Pointers came from the heart of Elhew Kennels and our English Setters from Tekoa Mountain Sunrise breeding. We have bred the best to the best without compromising conformation. Our dogs are not only proven winners in the field , but are also loyal companions. Our dogs have proven themselves from grouse woods of Michigan to the Dakotas to West Texas. We breed the best to the best and keep at least one to hunt/ trial. Not just puppy sales.
Crossroads Kennels is located in Morocco Indiana in northwest part of the state, Crossroads Kennels is 10 miles from Willow Slough Fish and Wildlife area.
Tony Mahan started training, breeding and trialing around mid 1990's.
Feel free to contact to see if we can meet your bird dog needs.